Friday, December 14, 2012

Diptychs and Triptychs

Artist: Amir Zaki

Artist: Jonathan Fleming

Artist: Kristin Mckee

Independent Project: Dita Kubin

Dita Kubin was born in 1975, lives and works in Montreal, Canada. She completed a three year program in commercial photography at Dawson College. She started out as a freelancer and didn't change directions until 2003 when she switched gears toward photography based visual arts.

Knee Highs
Dita Kubin

After looking through many of Dita's photos, I became very impressed. I find her photography gloomy and out of the ordinary. Many of her photographs are black and white, and are portraits. They all seem very shaky with one point of focus. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Then and Now

Then and Now:

The photo of me on the left is taken during my 5th grade year in Paris, France. I was on a trip with my class and mother. The photo on the right was taken last summer during a trip to San Francisco with a my aunt and uncle. Both of these photos are similar, emphasizing me being the same from then and now. When I was younger I was always happy and enthusiastic, I believe that I am the same today normally happy and enthusiastic. Even though many things have changed in between each photograph I still believe that I am the same person deep down.

Independent Project Research

"The research says that people and their dogs tend to have similar personality traits."

"Once you know how much light you need, decide whether to go hot, warm, or cold. "Hot lights" are traditional tungsten or Metal Halide Iodide (HMI) lights that burn continuously. The big advantages of hot lights are
  • you can always see what you're going to get, even if you mix with ambient light. In the film days, you wouldn't need Polaroid tests, fancy meters, and a good imagination. In the digital age, you can spend more time looking at the subject and less time at the back of the camera.
  • you can use hot lights with movie, video, and scanning digital cameras"

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What is Your Natural Vision?

As a photographer I believe that some of my strengths include natural landscape along with portraits. I personally enjoy portraits because I like being in control and I see myself as a good art director. My natural vision includes a living thing in an open space, that might seem broad, but I believe it leaves room open for ideas and opportunities. After reading the article, "Editor's Comments", I became aware of what a natural vision was, and a way you can come up with yours. I followed what the author did. After looking at my work I noticed patterns of which photographs I preferred over others. Many of my favorite photo's were taken of people in a natural space, surrounded by nature as well as close ups. I like this setting the most while I take photographs for many different reasons. Some of which are, the natural light, seeing the natural true places that haven't been invaded by humanity and the peaceful noises from creatures that call those places their home. This photo describes my natural vision.